Local sydney conveyancing services

Residential Property Conveyancer Sydney – A list of services

About residential property conveyancing in Sydney

A Sydney conveyancing service is performed by a legal professional qualified in property transactions. The NSW government qualified conveyancers in 1992 to do the legal work associated with buying and selling property. Prior to this, only solicitors had the legal qualifications to handle property transactions.

To become licenced, conveyancers in Sydney must complete a recognised course, hold professional indemnity insurance, and have the necessary experience. They must also continue to update their knowledge with continuing education to keep their license up to date.

It’s possible to do your own conveyancing, but it’s a complex minefield ripe with risks and challenges. If you miss a critical piece of the puzzle, the money you save can easily be lost many times over in legal issues. A qualified Sydney conveyancer ensures the property handover goes smoothly and checks that your title is free of easements, caveats, and covenants.

There are many reasons why you should work with a conveyancer, but the one most people appreciate is that they are a lot cheaper than solicitors. They also tend to have a more open schedule because they are not dealing with non-property-related legal issues.

Most good conveyancers will make themselves available after business hours and on weekends because they know how important it is to receive timely information and advice.

Norwest Conveyancer

What are the services performed by a residential Sydney conveyancer?

If you are selling a residential property in Sydney, Parramatta, or NSW, a fully qualified, experienced Sydney conveyancer can help you with a variety of services, including:

  • Liaising on your behalf with mortgage brokers and banks
  • Professional advice on negotiations and contract signing
  • Review your Contract of Sale to ensure you are fully protected
  • Coordinating the mortgage transfer with your financial institution
  • Processing property stamp duties
  • Preparing all legal documentation.

How to find a good residential Sydney conveyancer?

Creating a professional team to help you buy or sell your residential property is the best way to ensure a smooth process. Just like you will spend some time selecting a real estate agent you can work with, you should also get to know your residential Sydney conveyancer.

When going through your short list of potential residential conveyancers to work with, consider the following details:

  • Are they registered with the Australian Institute of Conveyancers?
  • What are their fees, and how do they get paid?
  • How will they communicate with you, and how often?
  • How long have they been in business for?
  • Can you provide you with references?

Need help with a residential conveyancer in Sydney or anywhere in NSW?

You can make the whole process go a lot smoother by working with an established residential Sydney conveyancer. Platinum Conveyancing Services will always put your interests first and won’t add any hidden surprises. We also offer FREE contract reviews in order to alert you of potential property issues before you commit. We welcome you to contact us today.

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